Cataract surgery
Cataract surgery can change patients perspective towards life. Cataract surgery is performed to remove the cloudy or opacified lens and replace with a artificial intraocular lens. The key indication of cataract surgery is to improve patients vision & visual functions but can be done for other reasons (such as prior retinal and glaucoma surgery, for improved monitoring of retinal diseases, lens causing glaucoma). This procedure is mainly performed on an outpatient basis and patients don't have to stay in hospital. This is a relatively a safe procedure. This is one of the commonest procedure performed by Ophthalmologist that can be done either under local anesthesia or under topical drops. The risk of complication in cataract surgery can increase if there are preexisting ocular/systemic conditions but can be managed intraoperatively and postoperatively due to advancement in instrumentation and skills.